Multi-Channel Marketer L3 EPA
ST1031 Level 3 Multi Channel Marketer Apprenticeship End Point Assessment.
EPA components:
Written project report (around 2500 words) with presentation (around 20 minutes) and questioning (around 25 minutes).
Interview underpinned by a Portfolio of Evidence. The Portfolio is submitted at Gateway (and will include evidence from projects completed in the workplace). The interview will include questions on what has been submitted in the portfolio.
Our friendly and professional assessors are supportive and encouraging every step of the way.
Ofqual Recognised EPAO
Do you work in apprenticeships and looking for an alternative End Point Assessment Organisation? We offer end point assessment of apprenticeships for a range of standards, and offer excellent service and streamlined admin for centres. Email us for more details:
Our end point assessment team are friendly and supportive with Apprentices to help them achieve the best possible outcome.
We offer support and resources leading up to EPA and detailed feedback on outcomes.
Our systems and results.
We use ACE360 to record, share and store EPA information and results.
We offer fast results, when we can the same or following day, but we promise results to be delivered in less than a working week.